Monday, May 4, 2009

What is Anthropology?

The word anthropology has been derived from two Greek words, anthropos(human being)and logos(study or science). Anthropology is thus the study of science of man. It is the scientific as well as the humanistic study of the origin, behavior, physical and the social and cultural development of humankind. It also studies tools, techniques, traditions, language, beliefs, kinships, values, social institutions, economic mechanism, craving for beauty and art, struggles for prestige. The one who studies anthropology is known as anthropologist. Anthropologist studies human behavior in all places and at all times from the origin and evolution of the species through its prehistoric civilizations, down to the present situation. Texas A&M University began an academic and research program in Anthropology in 1971. Franz Boas, the father of American Anthropology while writing an article on Anthropology in Encyclopedia of the social sciences said anthropology deals with man as a social being. T.K. Penniman in his book “A hundred years of anthropology” (1935) has defined anthropology as the science of man and also the science of history”. Anthropology is thus the study emergence and development of man from physical, cultural and social points of view. There are many branches of Anthropology; some of them are as follows:

Branches of Anthropology
I. Physical Anthropology
II. Archaeological Anthropology
III. Linguistic Anthropology
IV. Economic Anthropology
V. Political Anthropology
VI. Social and Cultural Anthropology

Physical Anthropology

Physical anthropology studies anatomy and biology i.e., race, gender, adaptation. It studies humankind as a biology type, describing physical development over the millennia. It is the branch of anthropology concerned with own relationship to other animals, our derivation and evolution, and our special physical characteristics such as mental capacity, shape of the band, erect posture, etc.. It is related to the study of natural sciences, Zoology-in terms of relationship to other animals and human species in the process of evolution, Biology- in terms of evolution of humans from early pre-human forms; Anatomy and Physiology- in its concern with the structure of human body; Genetics-concern with the variation in the world today and psychology- in the investigation of our mental make- up.

Archaeological Anthropology

Archaeology is the study of antiquities, esp. pre-historic, such as the remains of buildings or monuments of an early epoch, inspiration, implements and other relies, written manuscripts, etc.. The main aim of this branch is to reconstruct the origin spread and evolution of the culture and is done by examining the remains that we are fortunate enough to find of the past societies. Archaeological anthropology offers an opportunity to look into the distant part of the human species and their cultural complexities are re-constructed.

Linguistic Anthropology

Linguistic Anthropology studies the structure of language and historic relationships among them. It deals with the origin of language. It deals with the study of how our language determines the way we order our universe and the way people learn their language.

Economic Anthropology

It deals with the study of economic activities of primitive man in his social and cultural framework. It deals with the way groups of people participate the tribal societies and obtained a living from nature. It not only deals with the distribution of goods but services in the society as well.

Political Anthropology

It deals with a very wide canvas of the political behavior of the people. The traditional tribal panchayat or the modern elected body, the organization of their government, tribal law and justice, etc., are the subjects of the political anthropology.

Social and Cultural Anthropology

Social anthropology is the study of contemporary human cultures. It is the study of natural science of society and comparative study of social systems and working. Social anthropology is mainly focused with the study of understanding people, their cultures and the social system that they have created and lived. Cultural anthropology aims to understand and appreciate the diversity in human behavior.

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