Hot and sunny wow! what a day it was May 20, 2009. again agathering of media first and second year students but this time it's at the entrance of Singha Durbar, we were heading to the Radio Nepal office. Thank you very much, Nirmal sir and Ramchanra sir, without your guidance and help it would't have been so easy.
Well, finally we all moved in and all in that entire spectacular environment grabbed our entire attention. It was the first time I visited Singha Durbar and I was pretty excited. We all then moved to the radio nepal office and the first thing they showed us were the two models of the broadcasting houses ( House.1 and House.2) which was designed by Japan International C-operation Agency (JICA), Japan Broadcasting Co-operation (NHR) with the help of All Japan TV Services Co. Ltd consultancy and Kanematsu- Gosh Ltd, Shimizu Construction Co. Ltd and Toshiba C-operation being the contractor and sub-contractor respectively. The first room we happened to explore was the music room, a large room equipped with various musical instruments. We all enjoyed them. The building also has other studios supposed to be the studios for various programme production, music recording and drama recording as well. Various talk shows programme and news are broadcasted from its own studio. The broadcasting houses even consists of a drama studio, two music studios, one repoting studio, three continuity studios, news studio and seven programme studios. These studios are open for hiring purposes for anyone desirous of recording music for albums. The complex also has one open live theatre facility for different functions and musical performances. There is a music library at the premises of Durbar which has a collection of more than 40,000 songs. Well, that was a great experience that fortunately turned out to be the experience of my exploration. Radio Nepal which I always dreamt of is under my pen today...
I have read it and enjoyed.